Sunday, October 30, 2005Y
9:19 PM

There seems to be a virus spreading.. maybe it has been ard for a long time already. Till recently then I many ppl are "sad", "unhappy". Me too. No surprise. Hmm.. New motto - problem solving, not creating. Yea.. even when I'm unhappy I think of HOW to solve it ^^. Fragile heart ~~*sings* new song -.- I want to stay on!!!! 1) to play tennis 2) so that can slack in council room!! 3) can eat the fish noodle soup 4) can laugh with my Siao Ling Shi mates... Aiya it's time to give up my position le.. must let Cheryl[How] take over.. cos obviously she laughs more than I do -.- Tsk tsk.. All the best to frens taking O's.. I must find my remedy.. to this heartache..
10:53 AM

yes.. anticipating lotsa stuff.. First, the outing on thursday. Haven seen those bunch of..[grapes] for a long time. MISS THEM!! aww..T.T l0l. Then comes this news of getting a chance to re exam? *wonder why I dun rank this first? cos I have a bad feeling bout it* Next up.. gradnight.. Wohooo. Another glamourous night, see how those seniors dress themselves up.. and their mixed feeling for the night. [A moment to remember]. Yeha.. after that comes.. FROZEN THRONE!! Eh looking back now, was I too harsh to DELETE the game? -.- NO! Dun look back .. this for my own good.. okies skip.. OrIenTaTi0n!! *if I get a chance to be part of the planning team, not the participant* yup yup.. so many things.. Wait a min.. I tot orientation just past? Now we're preparing for it again?! Time flies yea.. Take care too guys :)
Saturday, October 29, 2005Y
6:37 PM

Yea. . things are not so bad after all. Printer is working, I found my pencil box (with the thumbdrive), completed the gradnight banner design, and starting on the Orientation booklet. Hmm lotsa task on my hands.. but I'll work it through. Monday.. is a make or break day. *prays*
Tribute to Mr Kwek
Nice principle...always encouraging and reminding us about our studies. Feels more like a parent to me.. So sad that he is leaving.. NYJC ppl.. u guys are lucky.. Hmm although the new CCA restructuring he introduced may not seem so convincing to many, I believe he have good reason to do so. The pros and cons.. can only be known 3 years later.. So farewell Mr kwek, shall miss u. Hope those NY peeps will treasure u. And welcome our new principal. Hope she'll be equally if not, better to us. :)
12:57 PM

Why why why.. I dunno.. So many setbacks recently.. I'm going mad!! -.- First is my promos result.. which is soooooo terrible..*guess dun have to elaborate any further* Then comes the depression *aftermath of promos*. Which led me to delete Frozen throne.. LOL. Sigh.. that can be reinstalled ya.. BUT.. Followed my my printer NOT working when I needed it.. THEN.. my pencil box with thumbdrive missing. T.T a series of "events" ya.. now got to work HARD for re exams .. *if I get to* and promote if possible.. if not.. ARHHH talk bout it next time. Anyway.. thanks alot for friends that have been encouraging me.. really thank you :)
Tuesday, October 18, 2005Y
2:45 PM

Just trying out ya...wonder if this works..But's really fun having a blog!!
A whole new channel for me to express my thoughts and feelings.. both -ve & +ve.
Let me start this off with a -ve one. PROMOS. The FIRST time I'm worried abt getting promoted. Seriously I dunno wat to do now, except to conceal my fears by taking each step by it's stride. By chatting online, I put my worries (temp) aside. That's one of the main addictives they added to MSN lolx. Alrighties, gtg finish my Project work stuff. Hope to Sleep early Zzzz.