Weather : slightly cold
Arhh..been quite tired this few days. Joined O2 com..and met those peeps. They're wonderful bunch of ppl..with alot of ideas and creativity. Hmm but can't help a bit scared. They're very outspoken. That's when we have too many ppl contributing ideas. Anyways the theme for O2 has been settled. Gonna hand in the first proposal next week. The deadlines are so tight man...no wonder called deadlines.
College IETL day coming too. Got Econs and GP project to finish. arhh...I feel that time reversed. As though now is last year july. When I'm so busy handling my own SC stuff. I miss Sc...
Ystd had clan reunion dinner cum celebration at BP swensens. So totally cool.. took 2 tables..14 ppl. But we laughed too much..1 table of diners beside us requested to change their place =.= then they keep laughing lo...I'm those that laugh when I hear ppl laugh. It became worse..unstoppable! no la not dota. But I couldn't stop laughing. when I chill abit they make me laugh again. Say what potato walk walk then fell down. LOL. how is that possible??!?! I was trying to imagine..woa got legs with shoes on then walk walk...okok nvm. -.- Then I was drinking some plain water...and heard Zoey's laughter!! I immed threw up all the water...woa so ps leh teck ming, I didn't mean to do it. After that I dowan to look at them..trying to chill.. But they keep making me laugh! zzz. I laugh till sweat arh.. breathing difficulties lo. LOL. had such a great time..and happy bdae to celest! sweet and funny gal ahahaha. Love all of them <3>
Someone told me since there's only 1 life..and no matter how u feel cannot directly change it, why not be happy. That really made me think alot. I'm feeling much better now.. =)

I'm enjoying class..even up till now.. yet now it's -1. JJ decided to go to a poly. Sad again. Anyone else leaving?
Walla clan reunion dinner this thurs. Looking forward to it. So glad to be meeting those peeps again. Thou can see them in school everyday at least now can chat abit.
Fri. Council reunion. Dunno why.. I dun really want to go for it. I mean.. I want to but.. I'm scared.. to see those faces again...laughing happily talking about the latest project. V day I think. Why am I such a coward.. I should be feeling happy for them..cheering them on..cos they're such cool peeps juggling with council and school work.
ok I admit.. I'm a coward. I'll try to keep my tears withing myself that day. I will...

Weather : dark, humid, cooling
WEee...2 days of proper lesson have started and so far it's great. The new class rocks..so lively..and everyone seem so great. =) Only thing I dun like is PE. LOL. sobs..running and running.. I dun mind going to the gym or playing tennis..haiz. Been studying and revising daily...guess consistancy is one vital thing needed now..I'm trying..Haven't been online much lately too...no time..also not allowed to. But I know it's for my own good.
V-day is coming...a good opportunity for council to earn some $$$. Wakakaka.
although it have been tough..I'll still continue trying ... 1) stop this "addiction" 2) work much harder =)

Weather : slightly cold (definately not accurate..I have the air con on)

Pubco on stage being introduced during orientation..didn't want to be there initially..cos ermm..my previous entries mentioned..I've left council. To be introduced together I feel weird..not tat I dun like it..but guess it wasn't proper. Mel had a hard time persuading me to go. She asked all the members if I should go..I tot they'll just shrugg and say dunno. Yet all said yes..why not.. awww man..I almost cried out when I tried explaining to them why I feel I shouldn't. In the end..still went together...pubco..T.T
Mass lecture week has ended. Tml we're starting proper lesson. Yay..sound abit siao..but I've been looking forward to this..something unbelievable is..my class..they're quite enthu abt studying..make me think twice is this the first 3 months. Aww..but this good..yepp.
V-day coming right? what's the date arh..how come so many years already but I can never remember the date..aiya doesn't matter...not my concern...feeling blue..not contented...when can this feeling go away...

Weather : dunno..outside too dark to be seen -.-
Almost 4 days since I've "stepped down" from council..up till now...whenever I think of the past my eyes still become teary..why..why is things this way now..I have no one to blame except for myself..1 thing that comforts me..is that my CT class seems nice...the other...is that every morning I get to see those peeps on their way to council room..I miss the room..even the smell..

First Pubco pic after investiture..love u all forever..
Mabel, me, Fiona and Serene at gradnite...one of the major projects in SC.
Mel and me during orientation..that's gonna be the last time I get to wear this red T in school...T.T
Miss cheryl and her laughter so much...pammy..we in same class again! yay.. sad though..not gonna have that dark blue SC pin on me anymore...T.T
Council...left a footprint in my heart..I'll always remember u guys =)
Not forgetting..this wonderful bunch of grapes..no I mean ppl...ex 4-8 =)
And to my ex-shinyu mates too..thanks alot..for those times in Ro..heex...hope u all are having a wonderful time ..Aruru bro, ken daddy, Cas the ghost, Dev punky, Am the MIA queen......*tears can't help rolling down...*

Weather : drizzling, ultra cold
Hmm...today is day 2 of mass lecture week..only had 2 lecture, econs and geog..from 8 to 10. Then waited till 12.30 to go home. Took my medicine and slept till 5+. Feeling much better now..sore throat have recovered completely and cough subsided. Last week cough till I felt so outta breath..
Met teck ming and ming jie at Ten miles to buy our thanks giving prezzie for Walla peeps. Oh man..waited 20 mins for the first bus..20 mins for the ride..5 mins at interchange..15 mins for 2nd bus...took 1 hr when I usually only need 30 mins...the rain and peak hour..was getting abit impatient. Luckily both of them were such funny ppl..quarelling along the way..even which chocolate to get also must fight. Lol..reached home and packing the stuff..here I am now..
Can't help feeling tat this 2 days have been super slack...yea the J1s dun understand..that towards mid year..they gonna have tough time even managing..got my CT already..hope to make many more friends =) Oo..applied to join O2 committee..hopefully I'll get in too.^^
Yep...guess tml gonna be ard the same..slack..haiz..but must push myself..cos I know how hard it is at the back..aiming to score much higher this year..yea...jia you!!! Tml's Walla's thanks giving day.. hope they like wat we've shared to buy..and it's the thought that counts right =)
Carrying on with life..trying my best to be happy...though it can be tiring sometimes..that's the way it is. Since the road has already been paved this way...make the best outta it. [ when the night seems to be its darkest..it means that the sun will soon rise up..=) ]

Weather : Raining, hazy
Orientation ended yesterday..with much tears and happiness at the same time.
We started the day by preparing water bombs for the mass game later on. Tied around 275 bombs I think. Then after the freshmen listened to talks and had their breaks..we carried out the mass water bomb. 3 of the 6 clans were brought to the field..surrounded by councillors. Their main aim is to capture the flags guarded by Su and weisheng. Given 20 bombs each clan, it'll be easy if they cooperated with each other and bombed the 2 guards instead of each other. And the councillors? Of course we stood by the side to bomb ppl. But then dots...someone threw a water bomb behind us and it hit me. Smack right onto my back..so painful T.T then a few others also got "injured". Things went out of control..water hose were brought out. Pails was used to splash water instead. Ahaha..but it was so fun.
Afternoon..we were supposed to prepare for the campfire later on. But it was still raining.. arghhhh...it has been raining non-stop for days.. stop only for a few hrs and it rain again. Then yixin put a packet of chilli+garlic+ some other spices under each tree..supposing will stop the rain. I'm not sure if it works.. but I think it's a great effort on her part..even tho it may not work there's no need to scorn her right. A few of us moved the portable stage which was really heavy down to parade square..but it was still drizzling heavily. So we began to dance the "dun rain" dance.. sang "rain rain go away"..some even "negotiated" with the sky..all that we could to stop the rain so we could have our campfire. Alas..the weather didn't take pity on us. It was so dissapointing..as much effort has been made to plan the programme. We moved back the stage and went to the hall for an indoor "campfire". Candles were lit up..freshmen started to arrive and the programme carried out.
Clan performances were so cool. I'm so proud of them..it took only 5 days to get them so bonded and work together..and their dance was so nice. The mascots were also very creative..Walla won the most creative clan award. Lol..though not the best overall clan...Walla is still the best in my heart. Rock on peeps..Haiz...just before the campfire in the hall we were hanging around..suddenly heard this song (which I've forgotten)...felt so sad..think it was bad day..mel came and hug me..then serene..yixin came too.. suddenly all of us were crying..then all councillors in the hall came.. they all gave us a big hug and made a circle..and more ppl cried..especially felicia..thanks to all the..my 4 pubco girls..khalis,dasen,feli,karmun,celest,truda,chirstiana, and many more..Arhhh so sorry to make u guys cry..really sorry..Orientation ended well..with Walla peeps taking photos at Mac near school. It was 10+ by then. Ahahaa..rest well ppl =))
*Thou I really can't bear to leave u all.. I wish u guys all the best..and that 6th Students' Council will rock on forever..u guys gave me one of the happiest moments in my life..and that memory stays for eternity.*

Day 1 was mainly talks..so long and boring..sign..cos I gotta listen with the freshmen too..dowan to miss out anything. When I'm free I'll join as a councillor. Quite busy trying to balance my time with my OG and my clan..when there are impt talks I gotta listen...cheers, dance I join my clan..After that we had mass games..
Day 2 was abt talks too..the diff subject combi..diff CCA structure..now that I'm leaving council..I'm thinking of joining House system and electives instead of a CCA. Then under electives I can choose Archery! (provided got space) WEe...learnt alot of cheers..some very whacky ones..feels great when u see the freshmen join in and everyone in high spirit.
Day 3 we had station games, Councillors as station masters, total 6 stations I think. My station was called Caterpillar..where they stand in a line and balance a balloon using their back. Arhh..had to blow 60 of them..luckily alot others helped..ty alot guys..But the weather was not on our side..it rained..stopped..rained..stopped and rained again. Then we had to keep changing venue and our games to suit. Miscommunications made things messy..OGs were sent to wrong stations..ppl running about..and I had a busy time running after balloons that were blown off..thanks to ming jie and kok yong for helping too. (also station masters) In the end we went back to the hall..reorganized and set off again. The mass water bomb was so fun =)
Almost everyday ends ard 6..after debrief and clearing up would be 9+. Thanks to dad for coming to fetch me..really thanks.
Day 4..we learnt the fun dance...woo they learn real fast..took them only 2 hrs to get it right. Thanks Art Soc ^^. And the weird thing is .. Alot of us prefer the guy's dance step. (and we learnt it) At 4+ when they went for mass treasure Hunt, councillors went off for the J1's parents' Conference. We were to act as ushers and tour guides. Wearing blazers are so smart..but court shoes..omg..my leg hurts so badly I couldn't walk. We were told to give out out letter to the parents sitting in LT3. Waited for 3 hrs..standing ard self entertaining T.T So dam tired ..reached home at 10+. That's why I couldn't even blog lately. Day 5 on monday...Campfire and finale..can't wait..it's surely gonna be an unforgettable experience. So many of us either lost our voice or fell sick.. tc guys..rest well..
( To fellow Walla Peeps..Good job and keep it up..cont rocking on =) )

First 3 months went to YJ..was dissapointed cos I wanted PJ since ard sec 3? Kinda cos bro was studying there too..YJ was kinda fun..the food much nicer :p but somehow not really bonded. In the end I decided to shift to PJ. Didn't regret my choice at all..I love the school..I still do. The staff here..not really frenly..lol but still ok. Alot of frens that are also sot like me here...yay! some are really great frens...thou next yr will be diff..I'll try to keep in contact with u all.
Hmm...all along I hadn't been doing well for class tests. I know the reason why...but I must do smth abt it. 1 of the cause have been solved ... council. I'll really miss those peeps...they and their great jokes abt diff diff stuff..next yr really must buck up..2 major distractions will be gone..and I'm very sad abt 1 of it. Haiz...
Has chance missed out my path..or did I not see u when u were around..Goodbye 2005..u taught me many lessons and opened me to things I never knew... yet...u're filled with sadness too..2006..will u be a better fren to me..