Jensen wrote a song, abby filled the lyrics, Evan and Sanjay sang..called "Perfect Strangers" ( Evan looks so much like kenny -.- ) this song soo nice and touching...oh man. I'm sooooo thankful to Abby, Evan and Sanjay really...they stayed till 8++ to teach the song. So ps..seniors are taking their common test soon..yet I'm troubling them. And it was too late when they wanted to go home, the gate was locked =.= .. then they had to...*left unsaid* After that we had dance session. Hmm instructing mass dance wasnt that scary to me. But I think I did a lousy job. Must improve and practice at home..yup! At night ard 11++, we ended debrief and it was time to pom pom. Then I realise...OMG!! Where's my shoe bag??! Someone took it by mistake and was too late to wake them up to check T.T Ended up borrowing siew huai's face tower *humpf* Next Morning I gotta make announcement for it -.-..arh so someone took it by mistake. Thanks to wanqing and jo for sharing their sleeping bag =)
Morning @ 6..went to run 3 rounds of the field with kk and jo. Woo feels so nice..the cold winds..hearing my own breathe amidst the dark surroundings..yea so the day just went on. And.. someone took my shoebag again Zzzz.. lol cos we got the same sandals inside. 2nd time I make announcement for missing shoebag -____-
Shall post lyrics for Perfect Strangers next time..after I get the permission to do so :p Tired arhh I wanna sleep! BYRON BYRON!! Bong Bong Dong Dong! LOLOL!!!
Pro Co means we get a right to choose who we think is best suitable..it was an agreed decision..if I'm the IC why not talk to me? why make things so difficult for everyone? We're all busy enough..no time for such stuff...and I dowan to blow things up. There's a limit to this.Anyways...nice one )2s and OGLS..keep it up =)

Guess wat...I MISS council. Not surprising huh. But wat's special...I dun dare to go near council room now. Really dun..This afternoon was walking with mel and she needed to take her stuff in council room. I die die also dowan to go in (in the first place I'm NOT supposed to go in), not to say even walk close to it. Whats the force that's repeling me away...I dunno...
Suddenly I told mel and yixin who later came out that I miss the scenery from council room...overlooking the whole field, with the huge greenies at the background. My eyes started to water.
y moment I'm with you..the next I'll not be..."
My eyes started to tear even more..omg..dun go on or I'll cry..
"Cos I'll be in the cubicle changing my clothes..."
. . . . . .
LOL...suddenly I burst out laughing..omg...that's super duper lame.
Went back to outside council room...looking at the huge patch of grass. Then Zhaoqi came and walked in towards council room. Mel called him to stop and talk..then he said " talk to my shoes"
dots.. look down only to realise he left one of his shoes on the floor. LOLOL. where got such things.. no time so the shoe help him to listen? ZZZzzz..that cracked me up again. Hmm..I can literally hear orientation 2 coming.. the programmes..omg they're a nightmare.

Happy V day everyone! wahaha..today is more like a frenship day for me. V day, nah...
So touched by mel, ser and cher. They wanted to gimme prezzie even though I didn't go to school today. Haiz...nvm tml I'm going for O2 training wakakaka. Weird thing is..been reading thru my fren's blog and realised most of them say they are spending V day alone. Hmm..that shouldn't be the case..(like I aren't spending it alone -.-)
Mum repainted the rooms...arhh nice..now there's a tinge of purple in the com room. Luckily the smell is not too strong. I'm risking my life to blog this entry leh LOL.
Yeaha..so how did I spend today? Went Causeway point with mum to get some com stuff. 2.0 Port Hub, Cd-Wr. yay! But but...Saw the games..Hitman, Wow, RollarCoaster Tycoon Gold, ARHHH I wanna buy all those! But can't ...too ex...and...they are GLUES. *sulk* Speaking of which, I'm already 3 months ipod-less. When will the replacement come. Zzzz..

Today totally sucks for me. Not that any other day is good..but still..
1) found out the reason for my toothache. Darn..an extra tooth at the back row. Wisdom tooth? If I have wisdom I dun mind. But I'm like -.-? Huh? Does that mean I'll get crooked teeths soon? Darn
2) Got scolded for smth I dun think I deserved. I told her that. He told me that. Then I just did it. Guess wat? Still got scolded. Wth. yeayea my fault as always. Can't remember a time I wasn't the one at fault.
3) Ro. Darn. I added a wrong skill. Click too fast. Can I change a pair of hands or brain? Someone answer me pls? Now wat. I got to pay 11M just to reallocate the skill points. M is MILLIONS.
4) Got fed up in Dota. Darn. So noob using pudge. I wasn't angry at losing or the opponents. I can swear. I just feel so helpless at my stupidity. And I actually believed wat ppl said.
5) Forgot that my fren was still on msn and I went off to play dota. DARN. I hate that. Can I just uninstall it. If it wasn't for the fact that installing again will need to patch, I would have uninstalled it months ago.
6) Hate my com for being so lag. Hate that orientation breaks ppl up. Hate that i still think of u when I shouldn't.
Darn it

Weather : Cold...not snowing..cos I in com lab
Yay!! I'm in school now.. Woots. Unbelievable huh. Supposed to be math lesson, but u know..young ppl..haiz...buay tahan la. tsk tsk tsk tsk... LOL.
Ystd aunt bought a webcam right..I was trying to install it lo. Then to my horror, everything in the screen was black except the background. Could only see my own black outline lo. I think is the screen contrast that got prob ba. Zzz...tried talking with cheryl through skype, and the sound quality is so clear!! as though is talking through telephone. Free one somemore. Muahahaha. Then dev got webcam ma..that bugger. LOL. So weird sia.. first time see him "live". Then he was playing that weird jap music. Cannot see his face properly lo.. his room so dark. Then we were having "video conversation" when there's only image, no sound. Lol so funny. Dots he show his psp, comics blah blah la. Then was chatting halfway he showed his middle finger to the cam. LOLOL. that punk..my mum was right behind me and she saw that -.-" Then I see if sin han can use video anot. That evil ass say can only see me but I can't see him lo. Zzzzz. Not fair not fair. Wait till he gets one. Muahahaha
Yay..with the handy cam cam.. I can take still photos le.!! Nah ..most impt is to contact my aunt with it. *and other stuff...sniggers*
Haiz..cousin they all left for shanghi le.. Thou I won't really miss their Noise..I'll surely miss them alot...Sobx..
Make sure them come back for a short visit whenever they can make it. =)
Holiday...Use it or waste it. Wat do u think? Use it. Yea. Just do it.

Weather : dark outside...cos it's night already ma -.-
Been a few days since I've blogged...sigh. Been quite tired this few days. Currently planning for O2's prog now.. the schedule, mass dance, blah blah blah. Oh man.. why must they change so many things for O2...shall not reveal first.. kekeke..Look out J1 peeps...O2 gonna be different!! wakakaa
Hmm..tml my cousin and her family will be going to shanghi for ard 3 years. Gonna miss them alot..though the kids are often very loud. LOL. I mean..after like 6 years staying together..haiz...the attachment is there lo. They bought us a webcam..using skype can talk to them free! hahaha! One thing I hate though bout my com is that...it's really very slow. Maybe is my expectation high..but I can't tolerate lags..long loading..sigh..
BBQ this fri..according to OG...sigh!! why not CT!! ARHGHGHH.. but getting holidays..cos the J1's taking results. Lol. All da best to those peeps lo..no matter wat happens it's been fixed. I solve problems, not create.

It was a movie I watched with my friends when I was in Primary 6...believe it or not..it has been 6 years already. That movie left a deep impression on me..cos 1) First movie with frens 2) I'm those that watch movies twice a year. 3) I love the storyline Still remember my merlimau frens...Yun Hsiu, Si yan they all. One a taiwanese the other a Burmese. Haven been in contact with them since we left school..very sad..wonder how are they now...
One of four songs from the show that caught my attention.. :
But I Do Love You ( LeeAnn Rimes )
I don't like to be alone every night
And I don't like to hear I'm wrong when I'm right
And I don't like to have the rain on my shoes
But I do love you
But I do love you
I don't like to see the sky painted gray
And I don't like when nothing's going my way
And I don't like to be the one with the blues
But I do love you
But I do love you
Love everything about the way you're loving me
The way you lay your head upon my shoulder when you sleep
And I love to kiss you in the rain
I love everything you do, oh, I do
I don't like to turn the radio on
Just to find I missed my favorite song
And I don't like to be the last with the news
But I do love you
But I do love you