When I was young, we (my family) used to live beside my uncle house. 2 families living so close to each other was a blessing. Can still vividly remember my 2 younger cousins asking us homework at the doorstep. And sometimes we can see them bullying each other, the older one pulling his sis hair, the sis using cloth pecks to clip his ear. Grandpa was a very hardworking guy. Never fails to wake up early in the morning to water his plants and trim it. (we had a row of plants along corridor) He doted alot on us. When my bro and 1 first went to primary school, he walked to school to check if we could buy food for ourselves. And he'll always sit at the canteen benches and ask if we had enough money. 50 cents at that time was alot. His love for us was priceless. While we take schoolbus back, he'll walk back after he made sure we got on the right bus. Alas, he got cancer from smoking, and passed away when I was P3.
Life was simple yet wonderful. Though our income could only afford the bare minimum, no one complained. Toys are simple yet shared happily among my siblings. I couldn't remember dad being around most of the time. At that age, the only conclusion I had was that he just had to work. Never did I know he was taking 2 jobs that time. Luckily we were quite good kids, and didn't trouble him with any behaviour problems. When there was still afternoon session in Primary school, I woke up early almost everyday to see my dad go to work. No idea if I was a good actor, but I sensed him coming to the room. Then I'll pretend to be sleeping and he'll sometimes ruffle our hair before he goes off. Once I hear the closing of the wooden door, I'll stand beside the window and see him go up the lorry, since the carpark is the open space type and the view can be seen from my window clearly. All this years he've been fetching me to school. Even up till now. Even when school ends ridiculously late (like 10) for events like orientation, night study programme he still came to fetch me home straight after his work. How many dad bothered to do that. One thing I haven done yet, is to tell him how much I appreciated all these.
Mum too. Been working hard as a housewife, all the chores and trying to manage us. We had our own flaws, not things like stealing or skipping school or be rude to teachers. But we kinda dun like to tidy our stuffs. I remembered fetching sis from her kindergarden when we were still living in jurong..those days..Now, she's still same as usual (though have been helping aunt to look after her kids for quite a while and now they're in shanghai). Watching more shows, umm and sometimes we just like to critisize certain actors for the way they act and all that. Just some free self-entertainment lol.
Sec school passed kinda fast. Maybe that's cos there wasn't any pressure at all. School wasn't a prob, more like meeting frens and socialising. If I understood bro that time (when he was in JC), I'll be a bit more caring. (cos jc life is so fast paced) It didn't dawn upon me before where the heck my parents get near thousand of dollars every start of the year for our textbooks. To me it was just bringing the list there, and bringing the books back (and mum will do the packing hehe) Just a few months ago (or was it year) it slipped out of my dad's mouth. No wonder. He worked 364 days a year. that 1 day of holiday was chinese new year. What about labours day or mc? nah. He "sold it" to get more $$ for our textbooks. Really wanted to cry my heart out when I heard it. Urgh.
Ok life now is a lil better. He's still slogging, mum still nagging at us to pack our stuff. My siblings and I are still game freakos. Oh mentioning game, aunt chipped in alot to buy our first com 7 years back. Thanks so much. She helped alot, chipping in here and there whenever possible. I miss her and her family esp those kids coming to our house. The noise lvl is so low now. Used to it but it feels so empty. Faith used to be sleeping when I reach home. she'll be lying on her bed and if she's awake She'll help me take the keys. Ian would be watching some cartoon and be so engrossed in it.
Why am I thinking of all this. Can't help it la.. more reflective now. Holiday started. Can't waste it like the previous few. Will plan what to do soon. (hopefully real soon)

Supposed to take the train and meet xyz at clementi. But I overslept~ and erm..took train to JE to transfer. Guess what...at JE..everyone had to drop off cos ... *alarm - The train at platform A is not in use* So I waited. AHAH. Another train came. This means that? THERE WAS 2 BLARDY TRAIN OF PPL WAITING FOR A SINGLE TRAIN TO CITY HALL!! what's worse? They didn't give us an empty train, it already had ppl in it!! *Screams* ZZzzzz. Everyone made a mad dash for the train, machiam you dun get in means you'll be transported to some third world country. HOLY. I managed to squeeze in, and found a guy standing in front of me with height around erm...1.95? I practically could see NOTHING but his shoulder!! luckily he didn't have BO if not I'll borrow his file and whack him. Jk jk -.- Couldn't move an inch...couldn't breathe..was that the last train to heaven? Must so many ppl be in it?!?! Ok relax.
Managed to meet up with them at 12 *srry for being late for 15 mins ^^* went to bugis to see another round of sardines squashing themselves *ummm we were also trapped in that scenario* Bugis street, humidity level -98.65% no la jk. Urgh it was so stuffy I wanted to connect a pipe to the open space and breathe through it.
Anyways..bought a pair of heels today. Yay..abit ex but still...I haven bought shoes in ages. They bought some stuff too...shoes, shirt blah blah. Around 5 lishan, gum, xyz and I met some class guys and went for pool. Xyz and I didn't play...went off after a while.
The funny thing is.. all 4 of us were wearing new shoes. Its either too big or too painful. Lol poor legs >.<
AHAH!! Best part of today's blog. report xyz's atrocities!!!
1) she keep wanting to smack me and hy T___T - found guilty of excess violence
2) she laugh at things I dun even understand which part is funny - guilty of excessive bakaness
3) she made me run with her (when i'm wearing heels and she wearing flats) all the way to mrt station cos we need to rush home - guilty of inflicting pain on other ppl's leg
4) she said some baka comments when we on train (details cannot be revealed but its dam funny) - guilty of racism
5) undiscovered (there's more to come!!! confirm!)
Ahahahahaa...there's no cbox for now..so she can't tag anything like "baka!" or "I smack u ah". lalalala. =)
All the fun aside, time to mention promos. Yea our results are out. Shan't go into the details. Only thing to say is I'm sooo disappointed with econs -.- Damn no one to blame except me. Cassie's result is great (not surprising) and yu han's also. Hmm...after some help from gum, calculated that I should be able to pass all. SHould be la huh. Confirmation comes only next monday. To class peeps (though u all might never see this) : Although my ki siaoness is only obvious to some closer few, I really enjoyed this class. All the laughter we had, saboing some ppl (we know who are the usual few). Some things in life are inevitable. This pain is just too much for my heart to take. I've been through it. Nth hurts more than seeing others going through it too. There's a few days more.. pls pls..pls let the time pass slowly.

Was playing Dota just now. During 1 match @ B-net, saw a IGN as alex. That dumbo. Make my enchant (most hopeful hero as of now) look like some hero controlled like a 1 month old newbie. Grrr his pudge...(still the game was owned thanks to my pro team mates).
Umm I saw him again. After like eternity. How I wish I didn't. Doesn't matter now anyways..
Oh and the previous entry mentioned pizza hut's cheesy pizza. Umm sort of nice, I'll rate it 3/5. Could have been nicer if the cheesebites at the side was really like wat it was in the advertisement (duh 95% of advertisments are false) . The cheese kinda dried up and was solid instead of like soft. And the cheese bite bread at the edges....hard as a rock. Maybe only my order turned out that way. Hopefully.
Rob-B-Hood, very nice show. Its a combination of comedy and action, with a creative story line, Famous actors and touches on frenship and love. One thing I must say. The baby was sooOOSoosoo cute! He had such big and nice eyes...can't imagine who wun say "oooh" when they saw him. (one educational point? - I know how the internal of a lock looks like now :x ) rating 4/5
Gah gah...today was open house..srry to fellow A01 peeps..didn't do much for the class.. And still went off early :x Woa almost had a heart attack when we walk past the security post. Thanks so much to jy and sean ^^. I'll never ever do that again. Hope we get the job.. really nice if end of year can be spent with a bit more money on hand. So many things I want to buy ( rare case ). Ummm anticipating the m'sia trip too =)
Wishlist for blue fairy (influenced by A.I lol )
1) Promote
2) Get the job
3) For my teeth to stop hurting.
4) See him more often in school *evil grins*
5) mum to win toto or 4D (lol?)
That's all for now. One can't be too greedy huh. Lol its late. Gonna turn in. Nites!