Saturday, January 27, 2007Y
9:43 AM

Ahhh. Haven't been updating recently. Kinda tired and lazy ahahaha. BUT! something happened recently which I think is worth posting and sharing.
Oh man..I hate Standing broad jumps. But can't help it...its part of the test. Anyways..our class didn't do well in 2.4 km and Standing broad jump.. so our Teacher decided to train us on that. Wednesday we had our training for standing broad jump. Other than being made to do launches and jumping up and down the stairs, we were supposed to do half squats too. Argh that was the agony..he sabo us by pretending to be interested in other ppl's conversation and forget to blow the whistle to let us recover. So mean right =.=. Still it was enjoyable (cos we did it as a class anyways). Lots of joke along the way too... but our leg suffered the aftermath of that training.
Woke up on thurs with so much pain and aches especially in the thigh. Argh couldn't stand it. Walked like a zombie who couldn't straighten the legs. To my relieve, all my classmates also had muscle pains ahahhaha. The funniest part was watching them walk up and down the stairs, as most just limped their way down and moan the whole time. Even sitting down in class was a torture cos we couldn't sit properly and can only aim and plunge straight down onto the seats. Ahahahaaa...Every movement was a torture and all of them looked and sound so funny (kinda sadistic i know).. Well I'm also suffering from it... and today's worse than yesterday. Pls let us recover soon..I dun want to develop a phobia for stairs. lol. Test test test,, exams exams exams...gambatte everyone!
Tuesday, January 02, 2007Y
12:25 PM

lol. Its been more than a month since I blogged. No time ahh, been working. Well, I can say the working experience is fun, at the same time sian. "I luv being paid." LOL who doesn't. Best part is when I see the account filled.
Almost forgot the feeling of being a student hmm. Only 2 days left, must quickly start my engines and work hard again.
Was working ystd and went for countdown with sec school frens. Lol they're such a bunch. Marina bay was filled with ppl. Got a shock by the large amt of ppl. Road blocks, securities, media crews etc etc. Couldn't get a nice outdoor place to watch fireworks, simply too many ppl. Anyways we just got a seat and was there listening to the live band waiting to countdown. And at 11.50 the first show of fireworks went off, the crowds all stood up and cheered. Then at 12, the full show came. Lasted for a few mins and the fireworks were really nice. Together with the music, could see tat they did alot of choreography. The sparks, the light, i hope they light up year 2007 too =). Decided to ton till morning with my frens, as we were sure the train will be packed. So we went Jab1 for a drink. ARgh, the ppl smoking in air-con place. But still, a pub's a pub. Drinking free mixer instead of Chivas lol. Played indian poker and sang some songs together. Was a really fun night. At 4am when they closed we roamed the streets. Saw another classmate O.o After some breakfast it was near 6 and we walked to city hall to take the first train, only to find it opening at 6.20. Anyways thanks to them for giving me the seat :p Reached home at 7.15 and played half a round of dota (LOL MAD) and off I went to sleep. Now that I'm awake, time to pack my bag and start doing homework b4 I get pawned in school T_T. Ahahahaa...
Luv you dear =)