Saturday, April 07, 2007Y
10:42 AM

Wow been such a long time since i last blogged. Almost forgot abt its existence hahahahaha. Most important update must be .... COMMON TEST IS OVER!! and its not common AT ALL! (i mean the results part) zzz sad to say did very very badly. But theres time to catch up right? cmon someone say yes! Yes yes...hmm the class didn't do well on the whole..except for a few (expected ones) Damn...the lvl 99 monster have laid the combat rules..that she'll SUMMON my parents there. HOW DARE U!!! T______T sobs. lalalala expected -_-" Anyways...Now is "recovery time" just after common test. Went orchard with xyz and gum chiak just now. Think she needed some retail therapy. Dammit. Intended to go and do window shopping only (couldn't find one that sells window though) but xyz lo!!! grrrrr. Lol anyways night jaunt coming up. Umm will be quite an exciting trip i think. Anticipating it ^^. In the meanwhile, prepare for war. Its coming soon. June, and the monsters will lay another battle. We shall see who is victorious. JUST U WAIT MONSTERS!! AHAHHAHHAHA!!!! omg crazy. -Sign out and went to eat ice cream =)