Wednesday, November 28, 2007Y
5:10 PM

Weee~ Gc bought her prom dress and heels today. I'm so glad i'm done shopping for prom. I get headaches just thinking abt the amt i spent zz. Anyways, i got smth for myself too! A new foundation yep yep. Time to change mine, i hope it'll turn out nice, cos its kinda ex. Anyways, got this nice looking hairband too. Umm i'm scared of town, all the walking and spending. Lucky prom shopping is over so...ahahaz anyways I'll be back soon cos i needa get smth else there. I'll be starting work work *sound of peon LOL* I dun find it a chore. I get happy just by thinking of money rolling into my pocket =) Need to find weekend job too...any lobangs pls tell meeeee! *desperately wants to work...abit crazy* Christmas is coming...and town is full of cosmetic gift packs sigh..tml shall be my off day. Away from town ahahaa...watching Enchanted with sis. Heard that its good. Should i sneak some snacks in? LOL.
*signs off and went to dota happily. NAH.*
Monday, November 26, 2007Y
9:47 AM

Its so late. Ahah...went to tuition class chalet ystd but didn't managed to blog. So here I am.
Ok abt the overall...It's Damn FUn! Met GC, Monk, karen and pei zhen at 3 and when we reach there was only a few ppl. Its the hometeam one beside Cdans. Supposed to have ice breakers as it was a chalet for all his students, and Ms Tan's. But ehh..the ice breakers IC was late so..we started straight off with treasure Hunt.
Treasure Hunt was fun sia. We had to follow 3 clues on the paper and find the ans. The 1st one wasn't that bad..its at the clubhouse. 2nd and 3rd one...we had to go to little guiling. Well though we could have taken a bus there, most of us didn't have Ez-link and coins so oh well..anyways it was fun walking as a grp, it was kinda a long walk. Lol when we finally solved the ans we rushed back, cos we saw another group at the bus stop! omg they're taking a bus?!
In the end..the grp that won was...Muahhahaha us! thanks to everyone for their enthusiasm and support. We won swensens voucher! Gonna have fun time having ice cream =)
BBQ next, ahhh the food was GRRREEEAAAT! Yesh! The chicken wing is bagus serious, and of cos everything else. We had chocolate fondue too, they melted choc bars with milk and they prepared fruits like banana, strawberry, and marshmallows with biscuits to dip. Yummy! ^ .^
Next activity was the funniest part. Bidding! Yea they had packets of items wrapped in newspaper, same size same shape so no one knows the difference, and we're supposed to bid for those we want. Prizes range from $10 popular voucher to some nonsensical stuff. The average bid was $1.60(cos we're still students u see). Some got candy bars, monk and karen got the pop voucher (congrats!), another guy got a $2 note lol. Gc and I decided to pool our money together. We didn't dare to take the risk. And i was determined to get this bag that has some heart thing on it. Bid price was $1.55...and it was...PLAIN MEIJI CRACKERS! Its a small pack, not even a box T.T and kind enough to give me 2 packs of Mcdonalds Jam. Sigh..but anyways we all had a good laugh, memorable =)
It was around 9 then, we decided to go home. Almost all went home. Thanks so much to the teachers who planned and did sucha great job for the chalet. The bbq, hunt, prize and everything.
Ehhh...however smth gave me the creeps. When we reached home, i was on msn with gc. Guess what? The teacher claimed to have seen smth at the chalet, And there were tailsman in the toilets. OMG. Scary sia! I didn't see anything so..luckily. Cos of that, even they went back home to spend the night haha. According to dad, "those" belong to the 3rd dimension. O.o Try not to think so much abt it eh. Ahahaha long post..but THANKS! Help them advertise tuition class next time.
And and....HAPPY BIRTHDAY FAITH! Big girl already ahhh.. stay cute yea? Erm AIA sent a birthday card. But i can't find my wire to upload the photo of it form my phone. Do that next time ya? Ahhaa..Enjoy the day! =)
Friday, November 23, 2007Y
2:38 PM

Weeeee. Just back from class BBq! Its a nice one haha...nice food nice company...just that tai hou couldn't go. The food is worth the money, and the chicken wings are great! Heard that its marinated with char siew sauce. Hmmm weird but it taste nice. The charcoals are the rounded small ones that gives gentle heat so that the food is not burnt easily. Thanks so much to all esp Claudine for the bbq! Not forgetting dad and mum that went to fetch me =) Gonna cont Huan Huan Ai. Watched the 1st ep and its not bad. Going to town tml again. Hope there'll be nice prom dress and stuffs.
Thursday, November 22, 2007Y
11:24 AM

Currently watching Romantic Princess aka Gong Zhu Xiao Mei by Angela and Wu Zun. Its quite nice..The props are even more glamorous than Meteor Garden. I'm left with the last episode!! Huan huan ai by rainie is next. Gosh another marathon lol. Going for bbq later.. Blog again tonight or smth~
Wednesday, November 21, 2007Y
2:00 PM

Yay! Went shopping in town today with tai hou and gc. As usual, the feet suffered. Was looking around Far East, but sadly couldn't find much as they had more casual and street smart style kind of clothes. For prom dress style, there was limited designs and it didn't really catch our eyes. Over at Wisma, it was trips to Dianel Yam, warehouse and topshop corner. Basically went in to all the shops that sold related dress. Yay...bought mine at taka. Black simple design. Why black when purple is the in colour? Cos only dark colours are suitable for me lol. Umm I'm left with Shoes and Accessories. Gc haven bought hers and we'll be exploring places like marina and maybe some other corners soon. This is the season of spending. Haiz. Won't be shopping tml. I need a rest. My feet I
Tuesday, November 20, 2007Y
3:30 PM

Shopping today at Vivo with GC was fun but tiring. Didn't manage to find any prom dress that was suitable (or at least those that I saw) but ended walking till we had sore feet. Guess its cos of not shopping for too long a time already haha. Bought a set of lashes (gonna try them soon), missha's moisturiser and ... Ta da! An intellectual, fun, and errr hard game. Lol bought it when we met jia le and claud Aka Hamster. Its a cube that is made up of 27 smaller ones, and u're supposed to dismantle, then put it back as a cube. Grrr tried it at starbucks and on the almost 2 hr bus ride trip home but ended up no where. Guess mum took only 1hr (watching tv and talking at the same time) to do the job. Gosh. Btw, vivo mart's sushi was damn nice. Its like 16 small pieces of sushi, 6 raw 6 cooked cost only $2.80. And it tasted good. The tempura one was nice too, suitable for those who prefer salty food.
Waiting for more outings lol. Zzz i saw Hellgate Cd but decided not to buy first. Not till i confirm i really want to play it. Time for...Dota...again. =)
Saturday, November 17, 2007Y
11:16 PM

I'm Back =) Finally. Guess its time to update regularly lol. Well..A's is over. Yea The exam that everyone fears. As for now, it'll be games games games and... errr going out with frens ahahaha. Prom is coming up, there's still dress and everything else to buy. What a spending season. And christmas is just round the corner. Right. Had a super fun time with xian yee aka Tai Hou and Huiyi aka gumchek. Looking forward to shopping with GC on monday. Hopefully we'll see some nice prom dress with affordable price too (: Btw, not gonna say much abt A's. It's over and yea! So...only comment is that Chem paper 2 was like kns. lolol. Okies gonna sign out for now. Time for Dota.
*btw, if any of you are playing Hellgate, maybe u'll like to tell me ur rating? Wonder if i should join in too hehe