Saturday, December 29, 2007Y
4:07 PM is over! New year is just round the corner. It'll be a quiet start of a year. Soon gumchek, tai hou, with mel, ah le, lishan, jy, and 3 others gonna fly off to korea soon. They'll be having great fun and pls take lotsa photos!! Those sceneries...ahhh. As of why am i not budget ahahaa. Next time ya...
Anyways watched "I am legend" on fri. Its the most horror movie since i can rmb. Not that its gore, or gothic, or u know those ghostly show. The suspense....wah my heart can't take it. I was watching with the jacket rdy to cover my ears throughout the show. I realised i kept sinking into the seats...too scared. I jerk even when a door opens. I kept looking at my watch thinking how much longer b4 the movie ends. Not that its was a lousy movie, on the contary its great. I just feel too terrified. Weak heart lol. Those that like suspense movie give it a try.
Mad over soda green. I'm hungry. No link. Gonna shop tml ahah. Back to my tv then.
Monday, December 24, 2007Y
7:29 PM

Merry christmas!!! Ahhaaa...still awake at this hr.. tonning at home. Didn't go out to have fun. I guess christmas spent with family is really nice too though we din much. Its just the time spent together ya. Maybe for New year...there can be some countdown gathering or smth? Oh yea..end of the month reminds me that i need to find work. Gonna change job. Not that I'm unhappy with the current one, its the travelling that makes me boil sometimes. If only its located somewhere nearer or easier to reach... Guess i wun leave. The peeps there are really nice. I can't wait for CNY. I have no idea why. The ang bao? or food? guess its the gathering. Ahahaha...
I really wanna know wat happened that made him thought that way.
Anyways...happy holiday!
Monday, December 17, 2007Y
3:22 PM

Monday tml...gonna work again. Madly in love with the song Xiao Qing Ge by Su Da Lu. Its been around for some time already but the tune of the song just make me wanna sing along and enjoy it. Sobs can't find my charger for mp3. I wanna go kbox, anyone?
蘇打綠 -- 小情歌
我想我很快樂 當有你的溫熱
我想我很適合 當一個歌頌者
你知道 就算大雨讓這座城市顛倒
受不了 看見你背影來到
寫下我 度秒如年難挨的離騷
就算整個世界被寂寞綁票 我也不會奔跑
逃不了 最後誰也都蒼老
寫下我 時間和琴聲交錯的城堡
Saturday, December 15, 2007Y
7:36 PM

Went to have lunch with cheryl and pammy today at JP. Chatted for a while...updated each other and yea...they haven changed and I'm glad=). After that...met up with the cck gang and watched warlords. Pretty nice for me...the plot is kind of sad. The actors did a good job, really displayed their characters well. I like the scene where it shows the volley of arrows. Made me feel i was there too. Quite alot of bloody scenes...common for a battle show. Andy Lau's acting was the best i felt, followed by Jet Li. Actually Takeshi's acting is good too. Didn't expect him to act so well. Umm.. sad story on the whole. Shan't be a spoiler now. Go watch it peeps. Worth the money. =) Tai hou ah Tai hou ~ when u coming back T.T
Tuesday, December 11, 2007Y
12:14 PM

Monday~ Back from work. Went to highlight hair with GC (ahahahaha back to being GC) ystd. Wanted smth like copper red but the choice was limited so...I wasn't prepared to see it as golden yellow. Gosh the colour contrast is huge cos i only highlighted the hair but didn't dye it. So its like black with yellowish gold strips? I need time to get used to it lol. If any of u see me u'll most prob be shocked. Ahhahahaa....should be meeting Siao Ling Si dudes this weekend...wonder wat their reaction will be =x
Saturday, December 08, 2007Y
11:24 PM

Okies...part II of the entry. More photos can be found at XianYee Aka Tai Hou's blog lol.

Me and Cassie
Sean and I
Jing Yi and I
Me, Gc and Pammy

Me, Xian Yee Aka Tai hou and Pammy (abit blurred)
Hui Yi and I at Taka with christmas tree behind
Wednesday, December 05, 2007Y
8:30 PM

OKies...proms over ystd! Its been a nice one..of cos with all the frens around..and seeing how everyone dressed up and looks so gorgeous. Went to GC's house earlier to teach her a crashcourse of Dota, then we make up and went to do our hair at Jean yip. $40..pretty ex...but we like the curls =) Couldn't recognise a number of frens really hahaha...they look so diff and pretty they can just call the name and we wonder who are they.
The host was great...he's Danial Ong from Perfect 10. Humerous and really livened up the whole event. The food was okok...prefered the cold dish more than the others. I won the lucky draw!! aiya consolation prize..kinokuniya vouchers. Abit dissapointed cos i was hoping to win the top few prizes that consist of ipod nano, camera and crumpler bag. But dun be so greedy la huh! lol.
Umm the doorgift was a normal looking pen...tot would have smth nicer.
Anyways...Jiale was one of the Prom Queen nominee..and got the consolation Award. Not bad la top 5 already! Ah le i'll always support u! Prom king wise...skip ba LOL.
Didn't go for post prom...have work the next day (which is today). Some photos here..

Class Pic
Group photo! - top row with me on left, then xy, then GC. Btm row, claud, lishan, mel, jiale

Gc, xy and me

Gc, Xy, me and claudine

Me & Jenny b4 smth happens. Gc says shes blogging for the 3rd time. Gosh.
Monday, December 03, 2007Y
10:38 AM

alrighties...experienced 2 days of work already. its pretty ok...its just the morning train crowd thats freaking me out. Lotsa ppl that rushes for work every morning and all the squeezing in the train...i'm practically smelling other ppl's hair every morning, thats how close ppl stand to each other. Not a familiar scene for me since I don't take public transports in the morning last time. Kinda took it for granted that morning travelling should be ok .. now i know.
Prom's coming up...just this tuesday. It'll be a memorable day...