My calender is getting so full. Went to ECP on sat for our Sandcastle Training, part of the CIP that i'm in now. 3 hrs in the sun, learning how to build those huge sandcastles with tools, right amt of water. Lotsa physical work needed, and cos most of us din want sand to get into our pants, we squatted, resulting to backache. Think I'll just wear FBT there and sit right on the sand this coming weekend. Yea the training consists like 4 or 5 sessions in all. One may wonder why there's a need for so many training sessions, its just building of sandcastles! But trust me, its not as easy as it seems (not that hard too with the right skills and patience). I'll take a pic of wat we've done on sat. Anyways, all these are actually for children in the home, kinda forgot wats the name of that home. Its under En Communittee services, and we'll be inviting them to build the sandcastles along with us on finale day.
Selling donation tickets tml, it'll be a full day from 11 to 9 all the way at bedok. I din choose that location T.T but its not that bad, now that i've got crisis core in bro's psp. At least there's smth to occupy me on the train, not to mention that gum is also going for tml's trip. I predict muscle ache in the legs, but nvm....gambatte!!