Friday, August 22, 2008Y
3:04 AM

Ok 2nd day of school just passed. It wasnt as bad as i thought, just that its really tiring. This week's Creative thinking class is postponed to sat, so lesson only started at 10.15, which i was late for =(. Next week, with CT on at 8.30 and tuition after class, my whole day of 'work' will be till 9.30. Its like...13 hrs zz ? Only superwomen can do that. How am I going to handle this... sobs. My pillars of support cant be there for me all the time. I need to learn. And how so? Time will teach precious lesson...I'm sooo tired.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008Y
1:05 AM

Okies first day of school wasnt too bad. My Prof for Financial Accounting is a korean guy, and a humourous one. He intro-ed himself like this. "Son of my father and mother. Husband of my wife." Zzzz lol. He had a long intro of this mod and himself, which i think was a good way to start the first day of school hahaa. The only thing is...each lesson is 3 hrs long! Omg...3 hrs...its bad enough to be sitting down there listening (and participate "actively), not to mention the profs who have to talk for like ...3 hrs? Gosh.. Where's my lappy top. Hmm thurs gonna be a long day..Hope lessons wun be that dry. <3 moo
Monday, August 18, 2008Y
11:49 PM

School starts tml!! Omg omg omg. I'm ok with school, just that I dun have my lappy yet sobs. Hope i can get it asap. Gonna go school with mixed feelings haha... first lesson, hope it'll be nice. Gonna update blog again tml. Till then....time for dota!
Thursday, August 07, 2008Y
11:23 PM

Oh my...nearly one month of inactivity!
Attended SMU's camp last week, FTB and Bondue. Both camps were fun, and had wonderful team members. Made friends, and achieved my goal of going to camps xD.
Aunt brought back some things from Taiwan, fake eyelashes in a box of 10 pairs, cheap and cute chiffon tops. Shall be uploading the pics soon so do keep a lookout! P.s The Dainty Design Masks are still on sale @ $0.90 each! Also, new tops are for sale at Vanity sweets! Interested? Take a look at our web, the link is at the side =)
Gonna marshal for WCG@suntec tml. Hope there'll be as little technical errors as possible, and of cos make as little mistakes as possible. Hee...