Tuesday, September 16, 2008Y
11:46 PM

Yet another day passed w/o cow's presence. On a typical tuesday, afternoon (cos he'll only be awake at that time), I'll receive his sms, telling me to work hard and jiayou...and my whole day's motivation would be to see him again at night...but well..today...
Looking at the bright side, I'll say my motivation changed. Now I look forward to hearing cow's calls at night. Hearing his voice makes me smile, and knowing that he's all well makes me feel relieved. From his side, things are going well. He's booking out on 28th! I'm thinking of wat food and drink to get for him hmmmm.. Anyways, lets all Jiayou =)
Saw Kenny and Lian Shun at the pasar malam just now, lol they told me lotsa impt and interesting things abt bmt, and told me more abt what cow will be going through. Dearie called back at 10 just now, and i really wanna poooof right to him. Hahahhaa..its not 12 yet, but im feeling tired already. No mood, not much incentive to be online. Gonna sleep soon, wake up and do homework tml. Take care all..
Monday, September 15, 2008Y
1:40 PM

Cow went for NS today, and the feeling is really terrible. Sent him off to pasir ris in the morning, and came back again. Here I am blogging how i feel but i'll cut it short. Gonna do my homework for now, haven done any for the weekends cos i just wanted to spend time with him. Having 2 tuition sessions later, so gonna rush homework though i really have no mood to do it. 2 weeks... 2 more weeks..My hp gonna be damn quiet now, I wont be able to see him at night now...No more fetching from tuitons, no more of asking if I ended school, no more of asking me to jiayou for school thru smses.. I mss you T.T . Xianyee also gonna leave in 12 days time...I'll pull through =(
Sunday, September 14, 2008Y
6:39 PM

Yet after a long period of inactivity, here I am, blogging on the night before dear leaves for NS. I'll be going with him tml to pasir ris at least, but its too painful for me to stay at tekong alone while he's in. I'll see how then. Hmm...2 weeks. yea 2 weeks can pass fast, but this particular 2 weeks...I'll just have to hang on for 2 years. I can do it!
ahhhhhhhhhhh.... I dunno wat to say. Haven done my homework yet. Guess tml I'll finish it. Won't be in the mood to play any games too. Alrights..time to go meet those peeps for some mid autumn festival gathering. Laterz.
*how am i gonna sleep tml*