Dont what you do to me but
Everytime I'm with you its a natural high
its like re-discovering Eden with chocolate-coated rainbows and cotton candy skies
And everytime you look my way I wish i had the guts to say
There's something in your eyes
Something in your smile
Something in the way you move me
You make me want to sing Make me want to dance Make me want to cry
I'm falling in love with you.
I think i'll hire Cupid
He'll make you see I'm more than your friend
You'll be tossing and turning Counting the hours til you see me again
And when we meet you'll Kiss my hand and say the words I've longed to hear
I'm counting down =)

1 mth of inactivity. Ok to kinda 'add a new post', here's an old song from SHE titled 魔力. Its a song i really like, also dedicated to dearie. Thank you for being with me through the rough times. Wish u a speeeedy recovery =). (oh and thanks to sister bear for her patient wait at NUH for 2 and half hrs LOL)
Also, met some MOE peeps last fri at cck interchange for dinner. It was a simple yet fun dinner. Its been like 5 mths since i left, yet can still vividly rmb those times we have our lunch together. I miss them. Jiayou calvin, faizal, huiyi and I for our studies, jiayou calvin, weijie and faizal for work! Yea its not easy for us, but lets perservere on yea. Hope there's another gathering soon, of cos with the expanded TC empire. Chee Meng u must be there next time, this time round we decided only to include the west side ppl so u must be present for the next!
Okies here's the song. Good luck to me. I need that. And LOTSA love for everyone! Love makes the world go round, not money =)
i have you to be with
everything will be easy
晒的阳光 淋的雨滴
i have you to be with
心电感应 绝不断讯
曾灰心以为 我来错了世界
太多想法很另类 找不到人了解
当我说的感觉 牵动着你的脸
互动的泪 让我们变得特别
你是我的魔力 想要勇敢就想你
一眨眼睛 把不如意
你是我的魔力 心情不好我就想你
删除忧郁 复制甜蜜